Saturday, May 28, 2011

Imiliwaha Pictures

Some from the orphanage on Saturday...

Some from the lake...


  1. Me again!! (Kayla's Mom) Absolutely LOVED all the pictures that you just posted!! I don't know if you'll get Kayla to leave the orphanage...those kids are adorable! Dad thought the cattle looked pretty good ;-)
    It is still so hard for me to realize that you are actually in Africa!! I'm sooooo jealous!! Don't take a second for granted!! Prayers are with you all!! Keep up the good work on the blog and God bless you all!! Love ya, Kayla!

  2. Thanks so much for posting pictures and updates!! It's so nice to see where you are and the people you are meeting. Those little ones at the orphanage are so cute! Wow, you guys have certainly done a lot in the first week. Keep up the great work!!! You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday!

    With love,
    Kathy & Luke Cossette
