Tuesday, June 12, 2012

5 of 5 - Misc. Photos

Thanks for reading! selecting pictures and posting them online...something that probably would have taken at most an hour to do at home. I started after lunch, and now i am off to dinner. hope you enjoy!

We are leaving Imiliwaha tomorrow morning at 6:00am (didnt we just get here?!) to drive to Udzungwa Mountains National Park (just southeast of Mikumi if you cant find Udzungwa on a map). we should arrive at the place we are staying tomorrow before dinner. then thursday morning we are hiking the mountain to the waterfall...maybe will see some monkeys too.

on to mikumi national park (staying in the city of mikumi on thursday and friday nights, doing the actual safari where we will see elephants and giraffes on friday) and then Dar on Saturday.

we will most likely post again from Dar. until then, have a good week and thanks for all your comments!



  1. PHOTOS!!!!! YESSSS!!!!! It is so good to see your smiling faces and the places you've been. Thank you for posting and letting us share the adventure.

  2. Great photos, gang! Can't wait to see more and hear the stories behind them upon your return. Enjoy the hiking and the trip back to Dar. Zanzibar after that, yes?! Woo hoo! Enjoy!!
