Monday, May 21, 2012

British Airways Flight!

Good evening (in a British accent), We are currently on our flight and getting ready to take off! Jake and I had seats separate, but the lady at the counter worked some voodoo magic, and now we're in 45A and 45B! The flight attendants have bloody brilliant accents, and we are already enjoying our time on British Airways! It was a long day in the airports, but the people watching was prime, and I found a few Starbucks along the way. Dawn and Lindsey made it here as well, and we are all pumped for our transatlantic flight to London! We're about to get going! Goodbye America! -Brandon (& Jake)


  1. I might have just read the whole thing in a british accent:) So excited for all of you guys! Have SO much bloody fun with the british people then Swahili people;) can't wait to hear more! Cherrio:)
    - Natalie

  2. Hey Brandon and Jake! Thanks for the update. Hope your flight to Heathrow was "jolly good", and hope you all are full of good cheer. Please keep sending updates as much as you can. Hope you are getting a bit of rest, and are preparing for your next adventure: your flight to Dar es Salaam! We are keeping you guys in our every thought and prayer. Have a blast!!
