Monday, May 28, 2012

Made it to Hanga!

Wow. this is the slowest i have seen the internet in a while!

all students are present and accounted for.

we traveled all day...i mean ALL day on Saturday to get to Hanga.

left Dar at 5:00am and arrived in Hanga at 12:00am...thats 19 hours.

but surprisingly comfortable. highlights of the trip includ, R Kelly music videos, Wrestlemania 21 (what year was that in again?), and of course viewing of "The Gospel According to Luke"...dubbed in Kiswahili. gotta love this place.

just chilling in Hanga for the week! maybe will be in town on Wednesday or Thursday  (town is can find that on a map of Tanzania) where there is fast(er) internet and we might be able to load some pictures.

hope all is well back home! we appreciate the comments on the posts!



  1. So glad to know your long trip was successful! Saw some online videos of Hanga Abbey and Songea. Eager to see and hear all about your adventures. Things are good State-side. Some stormy weather in southern Minnesota the past couple of days. High winds, some hail, and much needed rain. All is good knowing your team is together and having fun! Jake, Hunter is wondering where you are! We keep telling him you are experiencing an adventure of a lifetime! Have fun chillin' in Hanga!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Keeping all of you in loving thoughts and prayers! Make the most of this "once in a life-time" opportunity. Happy to hear that you're all finally together; special hugs to Jake from Grama Ellie & Grampa Joe
    (Hope you're not getting this THREE times; feeling pretty computer illiterate trying to post on your BLOG!!)

  4. Glad you made it to Hanga safe and sound! I hope no one got too sick off of the exhaust! :) I think that is a record for the longest drive! haha...if my memory is correct, ours was only 17 hours! Congratulations! :)

    Wishing I was there with you all! The memories keep on flooding back to me. My prayers will continue coming your way!

  5. So good to know you are hangin' in Hanga! You are in my daily prayers. May you have experiences that will never be forgotten!! Dawn, do you realize you are over 4,000 miles from home?'s a big hug across all those miles.

  6. Lots of love and prayers coming your way. Tom, your birthday tomorrow won't be the same without you here. Have an excellent one anyway. Maybe we'll barbeque some bat in your honor . . .

  7. Chilly at home. More rain predicted. What have you done with or learned from the native people? My hunch is...there are lessons in resourcefulness around every corner. Keep watching out for one another! God's blessings!
