Tuesday, May 22, 2012

London Heathrow

Cheers! Our flight overseas went very well, and we were all glad to be on the ground in the UK! During the flight we watched movies, got some grub, drank some tea (unfortunately they didn't serve crumpets), and tried to get some sleep. That was more of an attempt than a success, but overall the flight was great. It's been a long day in London Heathrow, but we've enjoyed the good company and British culture. We basically spent the day walking around, drinking some much needed coffee, eating at Giraffe (restaurant at the airport), and listening to the brilliant accents. Our flight to Dar es Salaam has 81 empty seats, so we will hopefully be able to get some room to spread out. I guess Tanzania isn't one of their popular routes... We've been waiting for our gate assignment all day, but apparently they do things different over here. They only post it one hour before boarding. Kinda strange. Anyway, we look forward to our FINAL flight to Tanzania, and it will be nice to actually be there. Africa, here we come! Brandon, Jake, Lindsey, and Dawn


  1. made my day to hear from you! Have a great flight to Tanzania!! I'm guessing you're on your way already! Praying for you constantly! Post as much as possible:) - Natalie

  2. woot woot! Have SO much fun! Say hi to all our African friends for me! :) ~ Katie (aka Katherine)

  3. Brandon, is there cell phone coverage where you are in Africa?
